Aug 25, 2020
Adam is joined by award-winning entrepreneur and TedX speaker Lorenzo Escobal about how he was able to create a business, Inception Auto Detailing, at the young age of 18. They discuss that at such a young age an emphasis on branding and strategy is essential to turn the weakness into a strength. Lorenzo talks about...
Aug 25, 2020
Adam talks to author and life coach Ronit Gerber about her new book, The SMILE System. Ronit discusses why many people struggle to move on from traumas or an unexpected change. They discuss the acronym and how a simple mnemonic can have powerful applications.
Aug 18, 2020
Adam Cox is joined by former engineer and now life and leadership coach, Mario Giraldo, to talk about accessing higher levels of potential. Mario is based in Austria and works with executives and business leaders to enable them to access more from their potential. Mario’s background in engineering means he has...
Aug 18, 2020
Adam talks to Jenny Lynne Sessions known also as Jennix, about her journey from a life threatening car crash to becoming a healer. Jennix talks about her experiences working with shamans and healers from different cultures to enable her to help people create change at a spiritual level. Jennix talks on stages to...
Aug 11, 2020
Adam Cox talks is joined by peak performance coach, David Saville. Following his father’s death when he was just a teenager, David made the decision to turn his life around by living every day to the fullest – and aiming to inspire and encourage others to do the same. David has a coaching programme, Becoming...