May 29, 2024
Adam Cox is joined by Mike Cook from Market Financial Solutions (MFS). Mike tells Adam all about the current state of the UK rental market, new investment in housing and all the challenges surrounding it.
May 19, 2024
Adam Cox talks to Matt Butcher from New College Swindon about Apprenticeships and new paths for young adults after their GCSEs.
They talk about the discontent with universities, how apprenticeships have evolved and what paths are available for kids who believe that the academic route isn't for...
May 17, 2024
This Mental Health Awareness Week, Adam is joined by Jill King - a Mental Health expert from Personify Health, who has 15 years of experience working with companies to make sure the employees are treated fairly by their employers.
They talk about what employers can do to support their employee's, how many Brits are...
May 16, 2024
Adam talks all things international aid with the CEO of Start Network, Christina Bennett. They discuss what the Start Network do, why you should be paying attention to these smaller conflicts and why media attention isn't on some of these crisis despite them making up the majority of the world's suffering.
May 13, 2024
Adam talks all things change with International Transformation Coach Nikki Sharp, on what she learned from traveling the world, being judged on social media, lessons from divorce, and how a career in modeling gave a unique perspective or what's really important.