Oct 28, 2020
Adam is joined by New Zealand based podcaster Arelle Hug where she discusses the impact and importance of self-love.
Arelle shares that she didn't always show herself love and that led to low confidence and self-esteem. She describes how that changed over time and the importance of learning, podcasts, exercise and even...
Oct 28, 2020
Adam is joined by leadership expert Dan McPherson discussing the nature of leadership in modern times. Dan discusses the attributes of effective leaders, the qualities that can be cultivated and why he thinks that both presidential candidates in the USA elections are bad examples of leaders.
Dan provides tips to...
Oct 27, 2020
Adam is joined by Jemelin Artigas, from 2019's The Apprentice on her journey from leaving Venezuela as a teenager to building businesses and being authentic on national TV.
Jemelin discusses the importance of taking risks, making failure work for you, the importance of resilience, and the power of patience to inspire...
Oct 19, 2020
Adam is joined by speaker, author and marketing expert Leon Streete. Leon explains his journey into marketing and lead generation and how modern businesses need to utilise digital platforms to build audiences, create a source of leads and then monetise those leads.
Leon is an author of the book More Leads, More...
Oct 19, 2020
Adam talks to the founder of NLP training company NLP Life, Terry Elston. Terry introduces what NLP is and why it's so powerful. They discuss the core presuppositions of NLP and why they are useful beliefs to deal with the world.
Terry explains how NLP can give people more flexibility and tools to change thoughts and...